Monday, September 15, 2008

Little Bow Peep Jr.

I came home to find Malcolm all dressed up in his papa's old baby bonnet. Gissela did not dress him in the matching sweater, though he has also worn it often.

Tonight was very relaxing around our house...not something I can say too often. Wyatt ate all his dinner and then took to driving his trucks on the couch. Malcolm was laying on the couch in his way so Wyatt climbed up and rearranged some pillows so that Malcolm could stay on the couch but could be moved out of the way of "pink bunny's truck." Malcolm just layed on the couch and stared at Wyatt. Every time pink bunny's truck drove by him he would reach for it. Wyatt was very careful to drive around him. And every time Malcolm dropped his little chew toy Wyatt jumped up on the couch to grab it and hand it back to him saying, "here ya go Malcolm. Can you grab it with your fingers. That's very good, just like that." It was very sweet.

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