Thursday, January 29, 2009

A New Chapter

Wyatt (aka: Bear, Silly Goose, Goose Master General, Goose, Mr. Pickles, Sweet Pickle) has had a rough few weeks. He hasn’t felt well and he’s been extremely clingy and prone to extreme emotional outbursts. Its been a little difficult for everyone. But, as with other emotionally difficult phases in his life, he seems to surface from such episodes having made major developmental leaps. That seems to have happened this week. He’s back to his old sweet self again now. Only this time he is asking new questions about the relationship between time and space. Here was our conversation yesterday:

Wyatt: Is it today?

Mama: Yes, its today now.

Wyatt: Right now its today?

Mama: Yes, its today.

Wyatt: Its not last night?

Mama: No, its not last night anymore. Last night was when you went to bed.

Wyatt: Oh, OK. So we are at our house today then?

Mama: Yes.

You get the idea. This went on for some time. He’s really trying to put things together. Its funny how much you take concepts like today, tomorrow, last night and tonight for granted until you see someone struggling to try and make sense of them.

He has also turned a corner with Malcolm. He definitely still pushes him over every time Malcolm comes remotely near anything he is playing with but, for now, it seems that many of the random acts of violence have subsided. He is even including Malcolm in play by getting him his own car to play with to keep him away from his car. He is also taking more of an interest in what Malcolm is up to by frequently asking me what Malcolm is doing or trying to say. They even shared a waffle yesterday morning for breakfast which Wyatt thought was pretty cool. Here are photos of them eating breakfast and playing lincoln logs together

And most importantly, Wyatt actually gave me several kisses as I was leaving the house for work this morning! I usually have to chase him down to give him a big hug and kiss before I leave. After I did that this morning I turned around and was saying good-bye to Malcolm and Gissela and I felt a big kiss on the back of my leg. I thought it was from Pink Bunny so I thanked him and Wyatt said, “No! That was me!” Then he proceeded to give me several more kisses before I left. It was very sweet.

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