Friday, September 4, 2009

Pawley's Island 2009

We are currently spending a week at the beach with Kristin, Aaron and kids in Pawley's Island, SC. We've settled in to a nice routine of beaching, lunching, napping and then beaching all over again. Our house is on the sound and has a kayak so Wyatt and Papa have also been boating daily. We tried one outing on the boat with Malcolm but he's not quite ready to stay seated yet. Malcolm and Wyatt are enjoying a beach that you can actually swim in! Malcolm loves running from the waves like they are chasing him, Wyatt has been going in up to his waist and loves jumping over the waves. Both have accidentally gone under, been tossed around by the sea, and survived. And, of course they love the giant sandbox that is the beach. Four little boys under the age of five has been exciting to say the least, but everyone has been getting along great and they have enjoyed playing together -- even if the Barralli-Lester Boys' Star Wars fascination hasn't quite caught on with our little guys.

For more photos, check out the full album.

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