Sunday, June 29, 2008

Wyatt Uses Camera and other Adventures this weekend

In addition to snapping photos of himself this weekend, Wyatt took a shower. This is a big event since for about 3 months now he has been refusing to take a bath. Up until lately he' d at least take a "car wash" in the sink and we could get him pretty clean. However, he's now decided that he doesn't like the car wash either so we've had to resort to forcing him in the shower with Papa. Shower only because that's the only way we can hold him under the water long enough to get him rinsed off with a little soap and shampoo.

Similarly exciting was Wyatt giving Papa the slip at the park on Friday night. We were having dinner at Chuck and Mara's when Papa and Wyatt decided to head to the park at the end of their block. They got there and the gate was locked so Jason started to come back and assumed Wyatt was following him till he hear him giggling. Jason turned around to discover that Wyatt had slipped through the bars on the fence and had entered the park with out him! Jason had to scale the fence to go in after him. I think they did some sliding while they were in there and were luckily able to open the locked gate from the inside to get out. That boy loves to slide! Boy are we in for trouble when he is a teenager.

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