Sunday, February 15, 2009

M is for Mayor, Moose and Malchito

Malcolm is 9 months old. His personality is really starting to develop. He lives up to his namesake, Robert Ricci, and is proving to be quite the mayor of the playground. In fact, he'll crawl right up to anyone and, I'm convinced, would leave with another family if their snacks were good enough. Around the house he is still primarily interested in anything that Wyatt is currently playing with. If Wyatt is gone or asleep, Malcolm loves to busy himself opening and closing doors of all kinds - he has several bumps on his forehead and smashed fingers to show for it. He also LOVES Laverne. He chases her endlessly and, when and if he catches her, he tries to bury his head in her belly and nuzzle up to her - the same way he does his beloved giraffe. He has been scratched in the face several times, but continues to come back for more. (Poor Laverne. She temporarily moved out of the house and under the back deck and would probably still be out there if I hadn't decided the rains were a bit much for her out there.)

Malcolm is an expert crawler and stander upper. He has taken a few steps from the ottoman to the couch, but is not yet fully walking - THANK GOODNESS!!! He has recently discovered the steps and gets giddy when he sees them and remembers he can now climb them. He says Mama, mama, mama, mama but its not entirely clear if he means it. Wyatt thinks it means he wants more food, but he's probably just looking for any excuse to give Malcolm his lunch. Malcolm has as many teeth as he is months old (if you count the two that are just poking through now!!! And, he has started pointing at objects and grunting. He loves watching birdies in the sky and always points them out.

Moose Man (Malchito as Gisella calls him) is such a wonderful addition to our family, its hard to even imagine that he's only been with us for 9 months so far.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's a good guy - love Papa.