Friday, April 30, 2010

Malcolm at Two

Our little Moose Man is turning two. He's really growing up to be quite a presence in our family. He is smiley and giggly from the moment he wakes up in the morning. At two year's old he has developed lots of new interests. He loves garbage trucks and digger trucks, playing drums, dinosaurs ("bones!") his giraffe babies - he sleeps with all four of them -- and most of all his big brother, Wyatt. He loves to he noodles and pizza and not much of anything else. He is talking up a storm - full sentences and all. He takes swimming lessons where he catches the teacher off quard because of his reckless and fearless enthusiasm for the water (and all things dangerous for that matter.) He loves to ride scooters and run around the house "racing" with Wyatt. One of his most recent hobbies includes creating piles. He piles everything up - from laundry, to toys, to mulch on the playground. If you try to tear him away from his pile he yells, "I'm working, I'm working!" This is a photo of one of his recent toy piles. We love him so much and can't believe how quickly he is growing up.

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