Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Shoes

Wyatt has needed a new pair of shoes for a while now. Like with any other article of clothing, he was resisting the change, "I dont WANT new shoes!!!" Finally today I was able to take him shoe shopping, sans Malcolm, because I knew the event would require a lot of attention on my part. He has been very attached to his "light up shoes" so I thought for sure we'd be buying an exact replica in a bigger size. Much to my surprise Wyatt carefully looked over all the choices and selected a pair of pink converse. Unfortunately they didn't have his size (wink wink).

Not that I want to impose strict gender based parameters on his fashion choices but frankly he just doesn't have a lot in his wardrobe that would go with pink. So he finally settled on a substitute pair of shoes with a "kitty" on them.

He is upstairs napping with his new kitty shoes right now.

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