Friday, April 3, 2009

Serious Sliding

Today, about half way through a play date in the sandbox of the Children's Playground, Wyatt spotted the infamous concrete slides. He, as you may know, is a slide connoisseur and has been known to be flagged off of slides reserved for much older kids. Today, while peacefully monitoring sand toys, I heard him running away from me yelling, "mama, mama, mama!" He was half way up the steep steps clinching the guide rope before I was even able to cross the playground close enough to yell back, "Wait! You need a piece of cardboard to ride those slides Wyatt!" I'm not sure if he even knew the word "cardboard" before today but some thoughtful parent handed him a piece on his way to the top and off he went! Our little daredevil. He was definitely the youngest solo rider I saw this morning and parents were staring in amazement (actually looking at me like I was crazy for letting him go). But he did great. I was actually more worried about him scaling the steps clinging to the rope guide in one hand with a giant piece of cardboard in the other. He rode it several times before we left the playground. Moose man stayed at the bottom cheering him on...I have a feeling he's not too far behind.

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